Thursday, June 14, 2007

Here we go.....

Okay, so Sarah told me awhile back to check out her blog. So I did and noticed I could also read Erin's, Jerolyn's, Beth's, and Nate and Stacy's. I felt like a bit of a stalker or something, because Sarah was the only one who knew I was reading her blog. Well, I wanted to get in on all the fun so here we go. (And I hope no one minds the past stalking!)
We are nearing the end of the first week of summer and I'm sensing that I'm going to run out of things to keep Bradley's mind stimulated and entertained at the same time. I try to trick him into reading and writing and what not. He was great in school, but never enjoys "learning" with me. Like today we played school and he was the teacher. (Landon and I being his only students I was totally the smartest kid in the class. Haha.) For example I'd ask him to help me spell things and ask him what things said. But I don't know how long he will enjoy that.
It's just too hot to leave the confines of the house to go to a park during the day with the baby so at 6:45 we walk down to the park at the end of the street so Bradley can run free and get his energy out. (It sounds like I'm talking about a dog doesn't it.) I usually pitch to Bradley because he loves to play baseball and is good at it. Yesterday I escaped what could have been really bad. He's never done this before so I was totally caught off guard. I pitch the ball to him and that's when everything went into slow motion. He swings, misses the ball, and lets go of the bat. As it's coming straight for me I'm thinking HOLY- you know what!!!!! And then I snap out of it and jump out of the way just in time to spare my knees. Yeah, that game ended real quick.
Well, Frankie's home from work so I better go downstairs because this is the only time I get with him child free!


Erin said...

What an awesome surprise!!! I clicked on your name & there was your blog! Welcome, welcome! Be forewarned, however, because you'll find yourself checking blogs way too many times a day. And don't worry, we don't mind you lurking. We're just glad you're now a fully participating commenting member of the blogging world!

Erin said...

Oh, by the way, I'm linking you on my blog so you'll probably get some lurkers of your own!

Jerolyn said...

Hey this is too cool man. I read your comment then I was all
"oh HELL to the NO" haha
I am happy to see you've joined the world of Bloging. Sarah and Erin also encouraged me to start and now I am literally addicted. it is the first thing I want to do in the morning is to check the blogs and the last thing I do before bed. I love the title of your blog-funny~jer

Stac said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Have fun! I am excited to be able to read another blog!!

barlows said...

So, Erin called and was like, "Hey, did you know Kourtney had a blog?" And, (gasp), I was excitedly like, "I knew she was gonna do one. Is it up?" Erin is like, "Oh yeah, it's way cute, she commented on Jer's blog, so I clicked on her link and there she was, so go add her on your list." GIRRL, you are so on my list. Great posts!