Landon turned 2 on February 21st. It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since he joined our family. We are so glad to have him! I thought I'd write some things about my 2 year old.-He LOVES his big brother! He does everything Bradley does (good and bad).
-He says everything (good and bad).
-Toy Story 2 and Shrek 2 are his favorite movies right now and he watches them over and over. Thank goodness I like them too or I might go crazy.
-He sings the Rhianna song Disturbia, "Bom bom bee dom bom bom bee dom bom..." and it cracks me up.
-He thinks he's really cool when he has his hands in his pockets.
-He's got killer dance moves. Seriously.
-He sleeps in a big boy bed now and thinks he is SO COOL. But that's 'cause he is.
-He goes pee on the potty and has even done #2 a couple of times.
-He loves tattoos. He's always got some on him.
-He loves to go to the gym playroom. And they love him. After being there for 2 hours we get in the car and he says, "Lets go gym, Mom."
-He loves his new black and white checkered Vans that we got him for his birthday and even will take naps with them on. He'll ask you, "Like uh my new shoes??"
-He is as stubborn as they come.
-He's got a temper. Watch out!
-He loves it when we read books in his Buzz Lightyear tent.
-He loves horses so we drive by and let him say Hi.
-He only naps for once a day for an hour and a half- bummer for me.
-He's the craziest, sweetest, most lovable little chunk of love!!!
He is such a special edition to our family. We couldn't imagine life without this little fellow. He keeps us entertained and on our toes. Happy 2nd Birthday Landon!!!